From The Report: Tunisia 2018
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Despite its comparably lower volume of hydrocarbons reserves, Tunisia has largely been able to effectively allocate them to meet its development needs. However, as its oil and gas reserves diminish, the long-term energy strategy will increasingly rely on diversified sources. Although an uptake in exploration efforts may yield new exploitable reserves, an acceleration of renewable energy generation will be required to reduce the country’s vulnerability to energy shocks. Equally challenging and necessary will be to continue reducing subsidies and eliminating market distortions. Increasing energy security will likely remain the sector’s primary priority, and drive public and private investment over the medium term. This chapter contains interviews with Nabil Smida, Chairman and CEO, Société Nationale de Distribution des Pétroles AGIL; and Moncef Harrabi, Chairman, Société Tunisienne de l’Electricité et du Gaz.